We are near the finish line for our 2nd Annual Toy Drive and it has been quite eventful. To collect $5,000 in less than 60 days was the goal and it looks like not only will it happen, we will SURPASS it. The continued support from friends and family have allowed us to get a second wind when feeling tired or overwhelmed. Our Facebook family has helped us alot and didnt seem to mind the “friendly reminders” or follow up texts which became the norm in regards to the toy drive. The encouragements of “You guys rock” help us continue to do what we do.
The feedback from parents who say “thank you. This was going to be a tough Christmas this year for my 7 and 16 year old daughters because I had to pay all the bills this month and there really wasnt money left for Christmas so we really appreciate everything you gave us” is a reminder of why we do what we do. When you give a 10 year old boy his first brand new bike and his eyes open up in sheer joy and he screams “is this really for me? Is this mine?” and his mother wipes a tear in the background reminds us this is why we do what we do. You remember that feeling when you got your first bike that was all yours and not a hand me down from someone else? That feeling of having something very special that you wanted to sleep with it at night? (Well, thats how I felt when I got my first bike, lol) Thats the feeling we want all our kids to have when they get their gifts because no matter what their situations or behaviors are, they deserve to have a smile on their face.