Family Therapy

“I cant deal with him anymore. He is out of control and just does whatever he wants. I hate going home!”
Does this sound familiar? At Supportive Therapy Empowering People, family therapy is provided to help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts, decrease arguments and verbal fighting. It may include all family members or just those most able to participate. Your specific  family therapy treatment plan will depend on your family’s situation. The goal in sessions is to teach skills to deepen family connections and get through stressful times, even upon completing therapy. With time and effort, our therapists can help you improve troubled relationships with your spouse, children, or other family members. We also address couples counseling, marital counseling as those personal challenges can often impede on the family happiness.

These classes can be offered in our Brandon office or in home services, if you qualify.

Our most recent toydrive was another success. We received over $8,000 in cash donations as well as numerous toy donations. We were able to put smiles on the faces of numerous children and families. We love being able to provide cheers during the holiday season!