49 days left to our goal of $5,000.

October 26, 2012

We are nearing the 15% mark of reaching our targeted goal of $5,000.  The donations are coming at a slow pace although I have numerous friends and families who have pledged to donate. It is important for me to find the right balance of being able to follow up while not becoming annoying. I recently read an article in which it may take 5 – 7 follow ups prior to a donation being made. Reasons many do not make to a successful outcome is because 1. They dont want to appear pushy. 2. They forget. 3. They falsely think the wrose outcome . 4. They havent been taught to follow up.

Fortunately, for me those dont apply. I think I do pretty well with following up because I know that  often enough it is NOT that someone does not want to donate it is simply because LIFE consistently gets in the way. So as I try to help STEP reach its goal I have to show my friends and family not only why I believe in the Toy Drive but to remind them why they originally wanted to donate. If someone tells me they are unable or unwilling to donate then I DO NOT try again.

Well, until December 15th arrives I will continue to follow up with my friends and family and colleagues and anyone else who will help up get to our $5000 goal. If I ever get frustrated or down, (which DOES happen, contrary to popular belief) I just have to look at the growing list of names on my desks and their requests. Even some of my tough acting teenagers get excited with the prospect of getting “their own giftcard to do whatever they want to with it.”

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Our most recent toydrive was another success. We received over $8,000 in cash donations as well as numerous toy donations. We were able to put smiles on the faces of numerous children and families. We love being able to provide cheers during the holiday season!