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51 days left to our goal of $5,000

October 24, 2012


AvengersDolls & DollhousesGames and Puzzles

Went to Walmart this morning and noticed all the Christmas items popping up although Halloween hasn’t even  passed yet. Just out of curiosity I walked to the Toy Section to see what were some of  the popular toys on display. I walked up and down the 14 aisles in the Toy section and became slightly overwhelmed with the amount of toys on display as well as wondering what each child really wanted. As usual Legos, Barbies and action figures were in the forefront. I have a new found respect for Legos and what can be accomplished with them after going to Lego Land earlier this year. Very popular now are Avenger items from the movies. This works for the younger kids and my tweeners but for my teenagers the best gift is a gift card for Best Buy, Game Stop or for iTunes.

Although it made my head spin last year I thoroughly enjoyed buying over $3,000 worth of toys and more importantly seeing the faces when they ripped through the gift wrapping paper. Im hoping for a repeat performance this year.


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Thank you so much for everything you do and the Christmas gifts. They're over the moon.


Thank you so much for always thinking of my children. It means a lot to me and also them.


Hey. My very good friend will be contacting you in the near future for an appointment. She knows how much you've helped our family.

Mrs. E

Thank you so much. You don't know how much that meant to me and how much of a blessing you are.

Mrs. H

Our most recent toydrive was another success. We received over $8,000 in cash donations as well as numerous toy donations. We were able to put smiles on the faces of numerous children and families. We love being able to provide cheers during the holiday season!