October 23rd, 2012
Yesterday a mother told me her daughter wanted an American Girl doll as a Christmas gift. I knew immediately how expensive those were as I have a friend who’s daughter has two of them and she mentioned how pricey they were. So as we are still fairly early in donations received, I half jokingly said she may have to get a Barbie doll made in America instead. (Are Barbie dolls even made in America?) The point being, I didnt want to give her false hopes. And that’s why this drive is so important because it allows us to help parents give their kids what they really want for Christmas. Although Im sure she would be happy with the Barbie doll, she would be even happier with the American Girl doll. If you’ve never seen one before check out their website,www.americangirl.com They are NICE!
Well, we received two more donations yesterday bringing us that much closer to our goal! Dont forget, you can also mail a gift or check to Supportive Therapy Empowering People 220 West Brandon Blvd, Suite #203 Brandon FL 33511
Our most recent toydrive was another success. We received over $8,000 in cash donations as well as numerous toy donations. We were able to put smiles on the faces of numerous children and families. We love being able to provide cheers during the holiday season!
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